Thursday, September 11, 2008

Does CMS need to check into this or not?

What do you think about this story about CMS needing to audit the free and reduced lunch program? Some school board members think it is necessary; others do not. What's at stake: CMS uses the free and reduced lunch (FRL) numbers as a formula in the school budget - basically it decides which schools get more money and other stuff.

Come to the MYV information meeting!

Mecklenburg Youth Voice is recruiting new members from Mecklenburg high schools. MYV is a youth-driven and youth-led project seeking to ensure that the voices of youth are heard and considered in school and government decision-making. MYV's projects this year include dialogues with CMS superintendent Peter Gorman, meetings with school board members and other educational leaders, visits to government meetings, participation in the Candidate Forum for Youth, Kids Voting and more. Service hours are available.

Come to our introductory meeting for current and new members on Wednesday, September 17 from 6:30 until 8:00 PM. The meeting will be at the CMS Education Center, 701 E MLK Blvd (28202) in the 4th floor board room - parking is plentiful. Please use the building's rear entrance.

For information, visit (student section) or contact MYV leaders Scott Chambers (, Olivia Scott ( or Antar Azan ( or contact Kids Voting director Amy Farrell ( or 704-343-6999).